Monday, May 18, 2009

RESULTS: Traded Sets Baseball Challenge: Week 6

So, wow, we had 29 entries (although one person repeated an earlier guess.)

RBI leaders for Saturday May 16th:

Teixeira 4
Mi Cabrera 4
Ibanez (Game 1) 4 (and 3 more in Game 2)
C Snyder 5

Nobody guessed Snyder, but the 3 other guys were all guessed. I can't give Ibanez his 2-game total of 7, but he's a co-winner with his 4-RBI performance in Game 1 of a double-header.

So our winners this week are:

gcrl AGAIN with Teixeira
RoofGod AGAIN with Miguel Cabrera
Raphy (one of my coauthors at the blog) with Ibanez

Raphy--I just need to get your mailing address. I know you want Yankees cards :) I have everybody else's info already.

That's 3 wins in 6 weeks for gcrl of Garvey Cey Russell Lopes. Come on guys...we can't let a Dodger fan keep on winning :)