Thanks for the tip to Brian, who should probably be working on some cases right now.
A look at various traded, update, and rookie sets from the late 1980s and early 1990s
"You guys are too lame. None of you must have girlfriends, or all ugly wifes. Heres the deal. Andy, you have never stepped foot on a major league field, so how n the he!! would you know who is worthy of a all-star selection or not, and jred, that lame nick name arm could throw you out from the warning track with a 30 foot head start...... yall have fun!! "Instantly, you can probably see why I deleted this comment. It really seemed to be a random troll. If the comment took serious issue with the content and made any type of actual counterargument, I probably would have let it stand despite its nastiness.
glenndub1 has left a new comment on your post "#626 Glenn Wilson":It's from a user named "glenndub1" which I suppose is Glenn W, which I further suppose is none other than Glenn Wilson. If you click on his name above, you can see that the account was created just when I posted Wilson's card, so the author probably created the account expressly to comment on the Wilson card.
You guys are too lame. None of you must have girlfriends, or all ugly wifes. Heres the deal. Andy, you have never stepped foot on a major league field, so how n the he!! would you know who is worthy of a all-star selection or not, and jred, that lame nick name arm could throw you out from the warning track with a 30 foot head start...... yall have fun!!